“The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul”

– J.S.Bach –





Worship Team


Taking the role of priesthood, the Liturgist is responsible to lead the congregation to praise and worship God during the service. It also serves as an example in daily life

Pianist & Keyboardist

The musician supports the Liturgist and the congregation. The melody played serves the hymn text as a mean to help integrate understanding and affection


The singer represents the congregation and supports the Liturgist in the congregational singing

Key Responsibilities

Music in worship serves the greater purpose of enhancing the worship of God. Music affects the emotional as well as the cognitive faculties of mankind, driving to the heart, and the memory, the word of God. Through music, the works of God are extolled.

The melding of text, melody, harmony, and rhythm allows us to exercise the creative gifts given us by our Covenant Lord, returning the fruit of those gifts as an offering of praise to Him. Through music the people of God seek to give him the glory that is due Him.

Choir Team


Taking the role of priesthood, the Liturgist is responsible to lead the congregation to praise and worship God during the service. It also serves as an example in daily life


The musician supports the Liturgist and the congregation. The melody played serves the hymn text as a mean to help integrate understanding and affection


The singer represents the congregation and supports the Liturgist in the congregational singing


Book of Psalms is filled with detailed notes to the music director explaining the style, the melody, and the occasion of a particular song. Old Testament worship was led by great numbers of trained singers and musicians. To dismiss Choir altogether as archaic and irrelevant means we risk forsaking a rich biblical tradition.

The Choir and Orchestra rehearse weekly on Sunday 2.30 – 4.00 pm and serve in the morning or afternoon services every month, as well as in special services such as Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, etc. The repertoire of songs being sung includes hymns with various arrangements and classical works by Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, etc. May the name of the Lord be heard and glorified.

Key Responsibilities

Choir and Orchestra offers multi-generational fellowship, able to encourage musical diversity. It helps avoid the “single star” approach to worship leadership. The Church Choir and Orchestra sings music that the congregation cannot. Our rich Christian Music tradition, has a significant theological and musical implications, broadening the congregation’s experience of the divine.

We believe there is more complex and challenging music, which is also beautiful music to praise God and edify the congregation. This is where our rehearsal time is taken up, because singing and playing challenging music beautifully is difficult to do and takes lots of practice. We stress the important of sing and play beautifully, because it glorifies God, touches people’s souls, and help people experience a holy moment. Choir and Orchestra can be a redemptive community where all the imperfect parts of the Body of Christ are cherished— where you can contribute your modest talent so that the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts.

Orchestra Team

+ Worship Ministers

+ Choristers

+ Musicians