
The complexities and challenges of life for working professionals who desire to glorify God in following Christ and serving others through their gifts and talents brings unique opportunities of learning about God’s eternal truth and unchanging wisdom in various aspects of contemporary life.


The IREC Melbourne Professionals Fellowship (IMPF) recognises this challenge and we seize the opportunity to be a fellowship that teaches, equips, and cares for the church’s working-age adults; so that we may grow in faith, love, and knowledge of God as we persevere in the work of God’s Kingdom as one body of Christ.

IMPF Fellowship

Our community connects through monthly fellowships for the purpose of growing closer to God and getting to know others through weekly gatherings. We are building a Professional Christian Community of workers who share a passion for discipleship and evangelism.

Join us live at every first Saturday of the month, at 4PM AEST. Please check the upcoming IMPF Fellowships here.

Organic Small Group

Small group is a means of allowing the congregation to shepherd and disciple one another, within the bounds of pastoral oversee. The passion of IREC Melbourne small group’s discipleship is based on the biblical principle in 2 Timothy 2:1-2.

“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” – 2Timothy 2:1-2 –

This is not a reference to evangelism, since these were to the “faithful men,” or people who already believed in Christ. These verses on discipleship offers Paul’s strategy for passing on the faith. Timothy was to teach this same message to others who were capable of passing along that same knowledge. These verses put four generations of discipleship into view: from Paul, to Timothy, to teachers and to others, involving a multi-generational process.

Adopting the above understanding, IREC Melbourne’s small group is a collection of people who realized that the grace of God applies in their lives, and therefore who meet with one another to meditate the Word of God, and share their life-experiences with God, as well as to love, pray and support for one another as they journey through the Christlikeness sanctification process (Ephesians 4:12-13).