Prep and Year 1
Year 2 – 3
Year 4-5
We recognise the increasing physical and cognitive skills that children of this age group possess. There is an increased depth in the Word of God taught, and children will enjoy the interactive nature of the lessons.
The lesson is supplemented with relevant opening games and activities as a ‘hook’ to the Bible lessons; as well as crafts or projects to reinforce what they have learned. Elementary children also begin to keep journals, recording their individual reflections on the lessons each Sunday.
Children Ministry
The Word of God is planted through short stories, songs, rhymes and play- based activities. Children of this age group thrive on repetition; hence the same theme is taught for the whole month to the babies and toddlers, and for two weeks in the pre- schooler’s class.
Children’s Catechism
What’s a Children’s Catechism? A catechism is simply a series of fixed 150 questions and answers used to instruct children in the precepts of Christianity. (Great Commission Publications)
An effective tool for teaching the truths of the Reformed faith in simple, straightforward language. One of the greatest benefits of teaching the catechism was that it gave simple ways to explain complex truths.
The children will study Kids’ Quest Catechism for about 1.5-2 years.
Chronological Study Plan
One of the curricula we use is the Gospel Project unites the big story and big truths of Scripture for your children as we trace the storyline from Genesis to Revelation. The children will study biblically and chronologically for about 3 years.
Guidance to the Christian Walk
Children will learn about the Christian life through biographies such as church fathers, missionaries, reformers, hymn writers, and God’s servants today. And last but not least, take your children on a journey with Christian through Pilgrim’s progress curriculum while learning important truths of the gospel and gaining a richer understanding of Christ’s work in the life of a believer. (Great Commission Publications)