Christmas is not just about a story of a baby born in a manger, but it is a story of God’s saving work in a moment of history. This plan of salvation that has been prophesied thousand of years beforehand. From the moment a man fell into the sin, God had already promised to send a savior, whereby an offspring of a woman would be bruising the head of a serpent and whose feet would be bruised. What was promised thousand of years ago by God has now been fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ.
In this Christmas celebration, let us reflect on an important prophecy from the Old Testament. Despite already thousands of years ago prophesying the coming of the savior, Jesus Christ did not immediately come. There were various other prophecies that occurred afterwards before He finally came down 2000 years ago. The coming of the savior which was awaited for many years has now come and become our savior.
Let us reflect upon the prophecy provided by Isaiah and how that fulfilling of the prophecy can impact us today. Isaiah served from around between 740BC to 700BC, that this prophecy provided by Isaiah was given at the time of great darkness in Israel.
Firstly, it was politically dark as the Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south were under the great threat by the powerful Kingdom of Assyrian. When Isaiah gave his prophecy, the Kingdom of Israel would soon be destroyed and the Kingdom of Judah would soon follow the destruction of Israel. It was intense and fearful time and a time of darkness for Israel. But Isaiah talks about how this age of darkness is sourced from their very own rebellion against the God. They were no longer faithful to the covenant they made with the Lord. Israel had deliberately transgressed that wonderful covenant they have made with God. They then left God and worship the idols. And the leaders of Israel lived in darkness and were blinded to their sin and the dangers that were being presented. And so in these times of spiritual and political darkness, Isaiah came and brought God’s word.
And as we reflect today on the hope presented, there was judgment and there will be hope. We need to understand that despite the context of back then, it is still relevant to us today. The nation who walks in darkness, we are also currently walking in the darkness and uncertainty of what lies ahead, living in the time of great political tension and wars. Both globally and perhaps even personally, there is a lot of uncertainty and darkness.
And God’s words speak to us in saying that the source of all this darkness even in ourselves is our own rebellion to God. It is not necessarily mean that those going through a difficult or dark time it is their own fault for this, but we are living in the time of great sinfulness which leads to this great darkness.
Second Corinthians that we read earlier talks about those who are unbelieving have actually been blinded by the God in this world. And John 3 also says that the light has come into the world and people love the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. And so the news given by Isaiah the prophecy about the light coming to the world is much needed by us today. The people who walked in the darkness have seen a great light. This light does not speak of the victorious political or war, but this light rather speaks of it coming from God who will come and save the mankind. It is speaking about intervention from God, through his coming and his salvation. This light speaks of the coming Messiah who would bring justice and make upright justice, much said in Isaiah 9: 6 & 7. This is the prophecy of God through Isaiah of the coming of a savior who would uphold and maintain justice, and this prophecy will be fulfilled in the coming of Jesus Christ. He is the light who would redeem the darkness.
If we look back at the history, we see in the coming of Christ darkness itself has tried to come and defeat Jesus. When Jesus was born, Herod tried to kill Him. So when he could not kill Him, he killed all children under two years old. At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus was tempted by Satan to try and conquer Him. And throughout His ministry, from pharisaic to teachers of the Lord tried to wreck His credibility and none of it was successful. Despite many traps and hard questions, they have not managed to overcome the light. Until the end of His life, where it seemed the darkness has finally overcome and swallowed that light. When he was betrayed by his own disciple and captured and unfairly judged in the court of law then he was crucified. When He was at the cross, it was said that darkness covered the land. It is there when He cried, “My God, my God, what have you forsaken me?”
A writer has once said that even the father turns his face away and allowed his son to be overcome by darkness. However, we all know that death is not the end for Jesus Christ. Before He died, He continually taught and reminded His disciples that He would be captured and he would be crucified, but he would resurrect again on the third day. He has said that no one is able to take His life that He would given it up Himself. Even in His own death, where it seemed like death has overcome and defeated Him, that was His way of him showing His miraculous works of defeating death. And so when He died, even the Apostle Paul wrote down “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” Death itself was challenged, “where is your victory?” Death which has conquered all of mankind since the time of Adam and Eve falling into sin. And it seemed to be also successfully in defeating Jesus Christ, the light itself.
But the resurrection of Christ shows His own victory over death, over darkness, over sin itself. And so when death was challenged, death itself could not answer because it had already been defeated. And so when He was resurrected, Jesus said “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” And so we can reflect upon three things from the birth, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. What our Christ has done, firstly calls us to repent. That was the first thing He said when He begun His ministry in Galilee, “Repent, the Kingdom of God is near!” And so our Christ has come, died and resurrected so that He is more powerful. He calls us to turn away from our current way of life, the way of life that is following this world into follow Him.
This is our second calling to leave life behind and to repent, and come before God. To come to Christ, the true light, the only hope given to man who is living in darkness. Paul’s prayer in 2 Corinthians 4 that we read earlier, particularly in verse 6. And this is Paul’s prayer for those of us who have been blinded by the God of this world so that we may see the light of God. And so there are three important things we can read in verse 6, written by Paul. Important things that were for important people were living back then, first of which Paul speaks about the light. Light was very important, specifically for the Jews back then. We read earlier about Isaiah’s prophecy of the light that was to come. When God created everything, the first thing God made was the light. Before He had created everything, there was no light and darkness has covered the ends of the earth. And God says, “Let there be light!”, and there was light. And light was something very important for the Jews, they sought after the light and when they were living in darkness they continued to seek after the light.
The New Testament itself were originally written by the Greeks. And thirdly, it is also talking of Glory in verse 6, glory itself was important to the Romans who were in charge politically. We hears things about the glory of Rome about its power, about its strength and might. And Paul writes that the light, knowledge and glory is fulfilled in Christ. And so the light that was shine out of darkness has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. And so all the things that were considered important for people back then have been united in Jesus Christ, everything that all of the people have been seeking after. So we may come to the light, may we respond to and to have faith in Him, for He is the answer to all of our problems and He is the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in Jesus Christ.
And the third thing for those of us who has received the light, may we also now reflect that light. May we be reminded that the light that is shining in our hearts be reflected to outside. May this Christmas be a reminder for us to take this light to bring it to those around s, through our words or our action so people may see our good works and to give the glory to our Father in heaven. May we shine our light to those living in darkness, to being them into true light and to hear the light of gospel of Jesus Christ so they may come and believe in Him. May you respond to the calling of God’s word, to leave behind our sins and living in darkness. And to come to the light and to believe and have faith in Christ. And may the joy of Christ, the light itself, filled our hearts. The darkness of this world is evident, but God’s light is far greater than that darkness. In Christ, that light has come, and He shines upon the darkness in this world despite the darkness trying to overcome the light, it was not successful.
Christ has called us to have faith and to repent on Him and shine our light. The people who walked in darkness have seen the great light. Those who are dwelt in the deep darkness on them has the light shone. May we walk in the light of Christ and bring that light to those around us, for the glory of His name alone.