Do Not Be Afraid

Do Not Be Afraid

August 25, 2024

Series: New Testament

Book: Matthew

Why Jesus performs miracles, such as walking on the water? The miracles of Jesus were performed for one reason alone, which is to prove to us who Jesus really is. What is Jesus’ identity and what is His job? If Jesus comes, what sort of proof He needs to present to the people to back up His claims? So He does, with His miracles. There was no lack of evidence in Iesus’ part.

Thus, to believe in Jesus, is not primarily a battle against our own logic and reason, even though it is true that the miracles are beyond logic and reason but they are not beneath logic and reason, for they are acts of God, not acts of humans. To believe in Jesus, is also not primarily a battle against our own sin. To believe in Jesus is very offensive to our own sense of self sufficiency, breaks our own autonomy, and it stands against our own self-righteousness. To believe in miracles of Jesus will break yourself and to rebuild it as a servant, as a worshipper.

There’s a lot we can learn from the miracles of Jesus because they tell us who Jesus is. And knowing who Jesus is, it will also tells us who we are as well. Take for example, the healing miracles of Jesus. He did these healing miracles to show that He is able to put an end to all suffering that exists in this fallen world. It is also to prove that He can and He will bring broken world back to what is was meant to be, the world free of pain, sorrow and disappointments. We can find no other true solution to the brokenness in this world other than in Him.

Along with His healing miracles, Jesus also proclaims that He can heal not only the body that is perishing, but also the soul that is lost. We come to know that Jesus is able to forgive sins, however, to forgive sins is the exclusive right of God Himself. This miracle does not only tell who Jesus is, but it also tells us who we are.

The miracle of Jesus walking on the water tells us something else, that He will overcome all chaos and disorder and evil in this world. For the raging sea, is a description of all the things that are wrong this world, then as Jesus walks on the water and commands it to be still so we know that Jesus will fulfill all promises of God that He will bring peace upon this world. For His name shall be called Prince of Peace.

The great God who rules over winds and waves says that He will protect you, and He asked you for your benefit and His love: Trust in Him for He is beside and He ever present help in trouble. As we looked upon storms of life, Christ invites you to look beyond it and upon Him who stands on storm of life. And more than that now, sits and throne over the chaotic water. We must trust in Him that He will guide you into and out of storms of life.